Dear parents, This year’s Purdys Seasonal Chocholates Selling went extremely well. Thanks for your great support to this event! Your…
Purdy Seasonal Chocolate Selling Starts Now
The Christmas season is coming soon… Join our Purdy’s holiday chocolate sales campaign. The sweetest part is that you can…
Save-on Gift Cards are ready to pick up on Nov 14th and Nov 15th (3:30-4:30pm)
A BIG Thank for your great support to our Save-on Giftcard selling fundraising. The cards are now available for picking…
Final round of Gift card Fundraiser this year
UHill Secondary PAC is offering the final round of Save-On-Foods and SUNGIVEN FOODS Pre-Pay Grocery Card Fundraiser for this school year. All…
Attention! Purdy’s chocolates are ready for pick-up

Thanks for Parents’ great support to Purdy’s Holiday Chocolate Sales Campaign. Now, your purchase is ready for pick up. PAC…